This course further develops the writing and research skills covered in Composition I. Students will be given more in-depth instruction in rhetoric, logic, argument, research techniques, and the stylistic demands of writing within a discipline. Particular emphasis will be placed on writing well-researched and well-documented papers.
"C" or higher in ENG 100.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)
- Integrate sources effectively into their own writing, using standard disciplinary conventions (such as MLA or APA formatting) to document them.
- Write in standard American English.
- Edit their own writing and the writing of others both for content and punctuation.
- Support positions logically and systematically.
- Properly organize and structure well-reasoned essays and in-depth research papers which adhere to the conventions of academic discourse appropriate to the transfer level, addressing complex issues, achieving a specific purpose, and responding adeptly to an identifiable audience.
- Locate credible sources and evaluate the quality of the evidence provided based on reliability, bias, currency, and relevance.