Hale Mālama (808-245-8346)

Hale Mālama is dedicated to the health, safety, overall well-being, and quality of life for all students at Kaua‘i Community College. We believe students who are able to uncover their voice, discover their purpose, and recover their individual truth will not only take their place in society as strong and resilient individuals but will also have the academic passion to create positive change. 

We offer the following services:

Human Needs and Supportive Services

  • Child care assistance
  • Campus student emergency aid
  • Meal voucher program
  • Ho‘ai Food and Goods Pantry
  • SNAP application assistance
  • Community referrals

Mental Health and Wellness

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Educational and wellness workshops
  • Crisis intervention & safety planning
  • Brief solution-focused therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Mental health assessments
  • Community resources referrals 

C.A.R.E.S Team and Referrals

  • Identifies and assesses individuals experiencing academic, emotional, and/or psychological challenges
  • Provides early intervention and case management for students
  • Make a referral here
hale malama logo

Hale Mālama

Mental Health and Well-Being
Location: Learning Resource Commons (LRC 120/121)
Phone: (808) 245-8346
Email: carekcc@hawaii.edu
Website: https://www.kauai.hawaii.edu/our-team

Human Needs and Supportive Services
Location: Learning Resource Center - Library (LRC 119)
Phone: (808) 245-0106
Email: kauaihn@hawaii.edu
Website: https://www.kauai.hawaii.edu/support-outreach-services

C.A.R.E.S Team and Referrals
Location: Learning Resource Center - Library (LRC 105)
Phone: (808) 245-8397
Email: lnebre@hawaii.edu
Website: https://www.kauai.hawaii.edu/cares-team-referrals