Mālama ‘Āina
The Mālama ʻĀina program is designed to provide a theoretical and practical foundation for students interested in exploring the scientific and cultural aspects of Hawaiian land stewardship. Students will learn about plants and animals in the context of Hawaiian ecosystems and their inter-connections with the people of Hawaiʻi. Participation in field study will provide the opportunity to progress from study to practice, thus giving back to the ʻāina that feeds us.
Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) approved 12/07/2016:
- Observe, analyze, and describe the ecosystem of Hawaiʻi using indigenous terminology and methodology;
- Observe, analyze, and describe the ecosystem of Hawaiʻi using Western scientific terminology and methodology;
- Use GIS technology to design, capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present geographically referenced information or data;
- Apply Hawaiian and Western knowledge and technological skills to active land stewardship practices.