Microprocessor trainers will be used to introduce microprocessor architecture, interfacing, and machine language programming. Memory, interfaces, I/O devices, and interrupt processed I/O will also be covered.
Acceptance into Electronics Technology program. Qualified for ENG. Qualified for MATH 103.
ETRO 143/143L.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)
- Communicate effectively using electronic documentation methods and present a design project using current multi-media technology.
- Differentiate between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems, codes, and mathematics, and convert from one system to another.
- Describe the architecture of a microprocessor, microcontroller, and the computer circuits that allow the computer to interface to the analog world.
- Design and assemble an interface that inputs and outputs information to and from the microprocessor.
- Function effectively on teams with all levels of personnel, demonstrating appropriate personal, professional, and social ethics and responsibility, fully participating and adding to the dynamics of the group.
- Create flowcharts, develop algorithms, and program a microprocessor using a machine language command set.